Abyss Web Server X2 on Windows 10 x64
MySQL 8.0.28
MariaDB 10.8.3
PHP 7.4.0
PHP 8.0.10
Chrome-Fusion v3.02.04 (full clean install, 2nd release with the corrections)
DeLuxe Dropdown Menu v1.2 (modified - only EN/DA!)
Hello again, Patrick,
I realize that your DeLuxe Dropdown Menu v1.2 is listed under Infusions für v1/v2, but I wish to report that under PHP 7.4.0, it seems to work perfectly with both Chrome-Fusion v3.02.03 and v3.02.04.
However, under PHP 8.0.10 it seems to operate correctly in the menu bar, but when I go into Admin Panel | Infusions and then select DeLuxe Dropdown Menu, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function setError(), 4 passed and exactly 5 expected in D:\Web\host~FusionWings.com\CMS\chromefusion\fusionwings-com_chromefusion_v3.02.04\includes\error_handling_include.php:28 Stack trace: #0 D:\Web\host~FusionWings.com\CMS\chromefusion\fusionwings-com_chromefusion_v3.02.04\infusions\deluxe_dropdown_menu\administration\menu_admin.php(67): setError() #1 {main} thrown in D:\Web\host~FusionWings.com\CMS\chromefusion\fusionwings-com_chromefusion_v3.02.04\includes\error_handling_include.php on line 28
I ONLY get that DeLuxe Dropdown Menu error when I try to make changes in Admin Panel | Infusions, and only under PHP 8.0.10. The DeLuxe Dropdown Menu menu bar itself produces NO errors, either under PHP 7.4.0 or 8.0.10. For now, as a work-around, if any admin changes need to be made DeLuxe Dropdown Menu, I just temporarily change that site's PHP from 8.0.10 down to 7.4.0, then make whatever DeLuxe Dropdown Menu admin changes that I need to make, then I return that site's PHP back to 8.0.10.
The only other infusion that I use on some of my sites, is your External Page Wrapper, which works great with your Chrome-Fusion v3.02.03, and which I will test with Chrome-Fusion v3.02.04 once I'm able to upgrade my existing sites from 3.02.03 to 3.02.04