Thank you for taking the time & effort to port your Chrome-Fusion for use with PHP8.
What version of PHP were you using when upgrading Chrome-Fusion v3.02.03? I have tried doing a clean-install of v3.02.03 with various versions of PHP, and it will not install.
I notice that your ReadMe file states that it is compatible up to PHP 8.0.x, but I tried with a slightly higher version anyway, just in case.
With PHP 8.1.7 and PHP 8.1.0:
With PHP 8.0.10:
And with PHP 7.2.28 (which I am using on 3 of my websites running Chrome-Fusion v2.00.03 successfully for many months):
MySQL version is: 8.0.28 - MySQL Community Server - GPL
For the PHP-8, I tried both MySQLi and PDO.
Any suggestions? I am available to do any testing that you wish me to do.
Thank you in advance and have yourself a great day.
1. Chrome-Fusion is not PHP 8.1 compatible yet, but will be made php 8.1.x compatible soon. But runs on PHP 8.1.x, possibly with error messages/deprecated messages.
2. Are you trying to install Chrome-fusion in XAMPP or in ISS or did you install Apache+Mysqli/PDO+PHP individually?
I did a clean Chrome-Fusion v3.02.03 installation on a raspberry pi, with Apache2 v2.4.52, PHP 8.0.15, MariaDB 10.5.12 with mysqli (mysqlnd 8.1.2)
3. I was able to install Chrome-Fusion v3.02.03 in PHP 7.2.34 without any problems.
I ran all 3 installations without problems under PHP 7.2.34, PHP 8.0.15 and PHP 8.1.2 with mysqli and PDO.
Did you have the PDO extension installed/activated?
it looks like your webserver/database server is misconfigured.
My test environment:
Raspberry Pi 4:
Apache v2.4.52
PHP 5.6.x to 8.1.x
MariaDB 10.5.12 with mysqli/PDO and mysqlnd 8.1.2
Hello again, Patrick. I have done some more field testing for you, with CLEAN installs of your 2nd (updated) release of 3.02.03. As you stated previously, it is not yet compatible with PHP 8.1 for CLEAN installs, but I have confirmed that it will install on 8.1.7, as I successfully did CLEAN installs running PHP 7.2.28, 7.4.0, 8.0.10 and 8.1.7, using MariaDB and selecting PDO. However, not everything works with 8.1.7, so for now I will stick with 8.0.10.
Abyss Web Server X2 on Windows 10 x64
MariaDB 10.8.3
PHP 7.2.28
PHP 7.4.0
PHP 8.0.10
PHP 8.1.7
I did get 1 notices/warning during installations, though (Notice: Undefined index: default_timezone for PHP 7.2.28 and 7.4.0, and Warning: Undefined array key: default_timezone for PHP 8.0.10 and 8.1.7):
And when I clicked Finish in the above steps & was taken to the main page, PHP gave a notice for each installation:
Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID '' is invalid in D:\Web\\CMS\chromefusion\chromefusion_v3.02.03_fullinstall_php7.2.28\maincore.php on line 115
Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID '' is invalid in D:\Web\\CMS\chromefusion\chromefusion_v3.02.03_fullinstall_php7.4.0\maincore.php on line 115
Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID '' is invalid in D:\Web\\CMS\chromefusion\chromefusion_v3.02.03_fullinstall_php8.0.10\maincore.php on line 115
Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID '' is invalid in D:\Web\\CMS\chromefusion\chromefusion_v3.02.03_fullinstall_php8.1.7\maincore.php on line 115
In my php.ini file, I have the setting:
date.timezone = America/Toronto
However, when I click Finish, login, and set my timezone in Admin Panel, all is good with no more notices.
When I commented out the timezone from my php.ini file & tried reinstalling again, I got the same timezone notice.
;date.timezone = America/Toronto
Again, it's just a Notice, which is easily fixed when I set my timezone in Chrome-Fusion's Admin panel.
Thank you again for taking the time & patience to keep Chrome-Fusion updated.